5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Video

There was a time when it may have been a luxury to have a video produced for your business but recently it’s more accessible and necessary. Now you can watch a video at any time of day, anywhere in the world all from your phone or actually any device. The truth is if your business isn’t using video, you’re gifting customers to your competitors who do. You may not want to hear that but it’s true.  Here’s why the most effective medium for telling your story is video as it has the ability to deliver complex messages visually and simply.   So if your competitors are producing high-quality video content, and you’re not, who do you think your prospects will choose to buy from? So if you haven’t got a video telling your story, here is some more. By 2021, video traffic will account for 82% of all consumer Internet traffic don’t take my word for it those are the words of world-renowned digital marketing consultant Neil Patel.   If you haven’t got a video telling your story on your website,  read on for Red Cactus Media’s top 5 reasons why you should get on the content bandwagon and enjoy the success that comes with having a promotional video for your business.

1.    Credibility

There’s a lot to say about a company or organisation that has gone out of there way to create a tailor-made film for their business. It gives the business an opportunity to give a peek of their service and instills confidence in potential customers and clients that they are working with a professional outfit.

2.    Impact

You know that old saying a picture tells a thousand words. Well, a video delivers 25 frames/pictures per second. So that’s a lot of pictures in a two-minute video.  Forrester Research estimates that one minute of video equates to approximately 1.8 million written words. Videos can show the benefits of a service and the audience can understand it in a digestible way. 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text. So why not make an impact with creative visuals, customer stories, and some engaging colourful edited films.


3.    Search Engines love video!

Yes, it's true video content and search engines like Google are great pals. Relevant video content featured on your website may impact your organic search listings dramatically.  Google’s algorithms are increasingly prioritizing websites with video content. It’s not something you want to ignore


4.    Your site is more sticky

Having a video on your website makes your site a lot stickier,  i.e people are more likely to hang around and see what you are about, ensuring prospects are hanging around longer than 0.02 seconds.  Increasing the chance of your conversion on your contact forms. Viewers are 85% more likely to purchase a product after watching a product video.

5.    Videos have multiple uses and it lasts

A lot of people hesitate on video due to the cots but I’m here to tell you, it will give you a big ROI. Why?  A well-made video can last a company for at least a couple of years so long as the messaging and key services stay relevant. You can also use your video on social media channels with shorter edits; give it to your sales teams to load up on their Ipads and use them in business presentations. Also if you do cold outreach why not use video to help show your services and inspire that trust.  Don’t just limit video to your website as the world is your oyster - so enjoy each and every benefit that comes with it.

There are plenty more benefits that come with creating a video for your business and these are just the start. So what now? It is now time to invest in a video if you haven’t already done so whether you do it yourself or get a professional, just do it.

We are always happy to chat if you want to know more about the types of videos that can help your business with a free consultation. Drop our award-winning producer, Remi Morrison a line on remi@red-cactusmedia.com


 Follow Red Cactus Media on our socials @redcactus1 on Instagram and @RedCactus_Media on Twitter for more video tips.


Red Cactus Media video production company goes beyond simply providing services to becoming a true partner of the customers supporting their video and digital ambitions.



Video production company, Red Cactus Media, is celebrating the news that Founder/ Creative Director, Remi Morrison has won the Suffolk BME Business Female Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2019. Remi was presented with her awards at the ceremony held on Wednesday 23rd October at the University of Suffolk which saw an evening of celebrating the diversity of businesses originating in the BME communities of Suffolk.


Remi commented: “Winning this award is so important to me as I’ve been shortlisted three years in the row so it recognises the hard work and growth of Red Cactus Media and myself on a personal level. I’m always grateful for all of life’s opportunities.  I really focused on keeping a positive mindset as well as,  training my mind on what you need to be to run a business. Opportunities don’t appear you have to help them appear and that is what I did.  Through meeting mentors and surrounding myself with successful businesswomen, I unlocked something in me and I really feel we can continue to look to the future in a positive way we have forged some great partnerships.  I’m often one of the few females in the room in regards to the video industry in Suffolk and my next aim is to get more women in the industry through my company”

In the past year, Red Cactus Media has pitched to national and international brands and worked on a wide variety of projects supporting Suffolk businesses as well as the largest European games industry awards which they will be covering for the second year in a row in November. The judges wanted to recognise the success of her business and her inspirational community work, running filmmaking workshops for young people, in shortlisting her for Female Entrepreneur of the Year.

Red Cactus Media was also shortlisted for Business of the Year as it is a true local success story. Since it was launched in 2015, the company had continued to grow and take on an impressive list of clients including national brands, local companies and work with charity and campaigns. They have moved beyond simply providing services to becoming a true partner of the customers supporting their video and digital ambitions.

If we can help you with video then drop Remi an email at remi@red-cactusmedia.com to discuss your video marketing needs


My top three tips to up your video content in 2019

So it’s 2019 and you’re thinking how can I grow my brand, business or just get out there more? Well one way is video for sure. Every year, video content continues to grow, and in 2019, video content is expected to once again dominate the market.  You’ve heard the stats and if you haven’t here it is in 2019 80% of what we consume online will soon be video content, especially live videos. Having always been popular on YouTube, the video trend has now taken over Facebook and Instagram, to the point when we get notified when someone is going live.

 Video is arguably the most entertaining and addicting form of content online. In fact, according to Google, half of 18-to-34-year-old YouTube subscribers would drop what they’re doing to watch a new video by their favourite creator. Now that’s a lot of potential people for you to engage.  

 So what can you do to up your video game in 2019? Here are my top three tips to get you started and get you some smoking hot content!


Start a Vlog

Vlogging is huge on YouTube. Vloggers film multiple aspects of their daily lives and it covers everything so don’t hold yourself back and think that you’re too boring. Topics range from preparing breakfast, hair and beauty tips to product demos and things like exercise regimes and yoga poses or even going on vacation. “Why do a Vlog?” you ask. Well, vlogging gives your viewers a peek into your life and can help you form a better connection with them. Also the best vlogs add value to their audience’s lives. People don’t want to be sold an item they want to learn something and if they buy something some you in the meantime, then great!

 I mean check out, someone like Gary Vaynerchuk who does vlogging well with his YouTube channel, which has nearly two million subscribers. His videos are a mix of vlogging the behind-the-scenes of his daily life and doling out valuable business advice.

 Vlogging is a great way to grow your audience and your brand/business since it’s so affordable. Technically, all you need is your smartphone, editing software and a YouTube channel. It’s not something I’m just going to write, I’m going to show you so stay tuned for Vlogs from Red Cactus Media via YouTube.


Do a Live video

Everyone’s gone live, you’ve heard of  Instagram Live, Facebook Live and live streaming on other platforms like Youtube and Twitch, live video for business will become even bigger in 2019. How many times have you stopped to watch your fave celeb doing a live video hmm? So why not do one.

With live video, your viewers feel that you’re speaking directly with them; and they're typically going to chime in on the conversation by commenting and asking questions in real-time. The added personalization in live videos often encourages viewers to stick around longer and be more engaged, too.

The scope is endless, if you’re in the health and wellness sector, for example, you can show off new products and offer tutorials and demonstrations. If you do coaching or are a musician,  webinars, question and answer sessions, interviews, live tours and more so the scope . I know it means putting yourself out there more but it’s a simple and free way to boost brand awareness.


360-degree videos

These videos have shown themselves to be a truly unique and interactive experience; and their use in marketing will continue to grow next year. They are an awesome way to immerse your audience members in the feeling that you’re trying to convey and give them a taste of a particular experience.

They can be used by a number of other industry segments such as real estate, retail, events and promotions, museums and galleries, car dealerships and more. So if you’re at an event and it’s buzzing, why not give people a taste of what you’re up to. Nat Geo use it to great effect. If you want to create 360-degree videos for your business, it’s not as difficult as you might think. All you have to do is invest in a good camera, a GoPro for instance, and stitch your 360-degree video together using editing software.


Final thoughts: Youtube ads over TV ads

So you’ve made a video now what? How can I get it out there?  TV used to be the place where businesses would want their ads to play. They could reach thousands upon thousands of people right in their own living rooms. But going into 2019, fewer companies will be putting their money into TV ads and instead turning to Youtube ads. Not only are Youtube ads less expensive than prime time TV ads, but they reach more people. According to Brandwatch the platform has 1.9bn logged on users a month! That’s a hell of a reach. Netflix has started testing ads on its platform, more companies will be turning to Youtube next year to get their video advertisements in front of a large audience which doesn't mind seeing ads ahead of video content. If it’s good enough for Netflix then, have at it.

So over to you. Now that you’ve got some ideas for 2019, your business will be able to get out there and stay in front og the competition. Remember to always create entertaining and useful videos and you’ll be able to capture the attention of your audience every time.

If you want to chat video and see how it can help your brand or organisation get in touch or email remi@red-cactusmedia.com . Always happy to help.